About the
WunderbarTogether Gala
The WunderbarTogether Gala celebrates the remarkable partnership between Germany and the U.S., reflecting the spirit of the WunderbarTogether Campaign initiated by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Goethe-Institut in 2018. This campaign highlighted the strong transatlantic relationship by fostering dialogue and collaboration across cultural, economic, and educational spheres. From 2018 to 2019, it organized over 2,800 events across all 50 states, engaging more than 500 partners to promote mutual understanding and partnership. Today, "WunderbarTogether" symbolizes the enduring connection between Germany and America.
The German International School Washington D.C. is honored to host the gala that embodies the campaign's spirit of international collaboration and education.
We are thrilled to announce our Silent Auction, featuring incredible items like travel experiences, stunning jewelry, and delicious dining opportunities! Best of all, every dollar raised—through the gala and silent auction—will go directly toward two major school improvement projects:
- A brand-new Elementary School playground, creating a safe and engaging space for our youngest students.
- A main hallway renovation in the Main Building School, adding four new breakout classrooms to enhance learning opportunities.